We're Blessed

Assalamualaikum w.b.r

Hope everyone doing fine and have a blessed Friday :)

Today, I fell sad, not sure why, but  i know there are something bad could happen to me, but sometimes a good happen come as well also. 

I'm blessed.

My entry today? I wanna share some of my thoughts about bless, feel blessing, blessed. 

We're blessed, but we don't realized it. 

I went to met someone who always inspired me a lot. (there's something I can't share) 
(feeling kekwat) LOL

The conclusion is, as a human being, we always wanted more. We want more eat, we want more money, we want more sleep, everything is about MORE. 

Whereas, we knew that LESS is MORE. Right?

What is actually meaning of LESS is MORE?

:: I found it on google ( as usual )

That’s the idea.
It’s not an absolute statement on how life should be. It’s an acknowledgement of what tends to be true. When I look at my life, I notice that the times when I take on too much end up biting me. When I limit those things to the higher priorities, I improve my health and get the most important things done.

There's so lot the meaning of less is more. From my side, we know our ability, we know what we can do, and what we cant do. Don't push yourself beyond your competence. 
We are just blessed day by day. We are not rich, but we never lost the 'rich' of happiness. 
I felt blessed for everything that I have. I had a family, friends, enemies (LOL), and my creator. ALLAH planned the best for my life. Thank you for your Blessing. 

We're blessed. Syukur. Alhamdulillah. :)

-airen surayya- 


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